Artist, Esther Simmond-Mac Adam winner of the Telford Penton Memorial Award in Painting Photo: Emese Krunak-Hajagos
Artist, Clint Griffin Photo: Phil Anderson
Artist, Amy Shackleton. Photo: Phil Anderson
Artist, James Nye. Photo: Phil Anderson
Artist Jane Duncan. Photo: Phil Anderson
Artist, Ross Bonfanti, Honourable Mention in sculpture. Photo: Phil Anderson
Artist Igor Sinitar. Photo: Phil Anderson
Artist, Elva Hook. Photo: Phil Anderson
Artist, Jean-Sebastien Massicotte-Rousseau, Quebec. Photo: Phil Anderson
Lila Karim, executice director of TOAE. Photo: Phil Anderson
Fibre Art winner Amanda McCavour’s site. Photo: Emese Krunak Hajagos
Mike Parson’s site. Photo: Imre Hajagos
Lex Buchanen’s display Photo: Imre Hajagos