Art Toronto, 2011 / Angelo Musco

October 28–31, 2011

At Carrie Secrist Gallery’s booth, there is a large photograph by Angelo Musco showing hundreds of human bodies like a spider’s web.

I first saw this 12 x 48–foot photographic installation called Tehom in Chicago in May, 2010, at the Carrie Secrist Gallery, where it covered the walls from floor to ceiling. Musco used more than 100,000 human figures to create his fantastic, monumental, baroque vision. Tehom is first mentioned in the bible in Genesis and refers to the primordial waters of creation. It is believed that humans lived in these waters time and time again. Looking at the people in Musco’s images, I had a hard time understanding the message of their gestures. It took me by surprise when I realized that they were actually inviting me to join in. The figures seemed happy. I looked at them with a combination of uneasiness and amusement. I feel the same now seeing his photo of a human web. The image is surreal but, at the same time, very realistic, since it is a photographic montage of circles of people.

Mr. Musco said that in his next series people come out of the water and will engage in Earthly visions.

Emese Krunák-Hajagos

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