Category: EVENTS

Nuit Blanche 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016, sunset to sunrise

Phil Anderson, Andriy Bilenkyy, Julie McNeill, Simon Termine

Though this year’s variety was slightly smaller than previous years, it was no less impressive and awe-inspiring.

IN/FUTURE at Ontario Place

September 15 – 25, 2016
by Alice Pelot

This monumental project by Art Spin and Small World is an incredible testament to Toronto’s artistic community and in attendance inspired my question: how will future artworks contribute to rebuilding iconic public spaces?


June 2, 2016, 7 pm / The Power Plant

by Phil Anderson

This years theme for the annual fundraiser was the Pleasure Principle and it was presented lavishly so.

CONTACT 2016 / Artoronto picks

Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival
May, 2016 / Toronto and GTA

With so much choices, with well over 1500 Canadian and international artists and photographers exhibiting at more than 200 exhibitions, it isn’t easy picking exhibits to see.

20 Years at Lonsdale Gallery

by Meghan O’Callaghan

Wolfond revealed the theme at the heart of both this show and his gallery as “the contrast and dialogue between intimacy and grandeur”.