Category: FEATURES

Robert Kananaj: State of Being

by Simon Termine

His work is encouraging us to examine the developmental quality of the mundane objects abundant within our generation, something which we cannot alienate ourselves from since it has become so definitive.

Ed Pien: Memento at Birch Contemporary

by Alice Pelot

Pien’s engaging installation is not a devastating, vulnerability-inducing ride, but it is an effective metaphor, and an experience with a resonating narrative drawing attention to political crisis.

Baleful at Pari Nadimi Gallery

by Emily Lawrence

Baleful may evoke heavy themes, but the idea that inanimate objects can live, die, and experience reincarnation (or in this case, get repurposed into works of art) is a thoughtful and optimistic concept.

Bodyworks at the Canadian Sculpture Centre

by Rhiann Moore

Bodyworks is a yearly event at the Sculptors Society as the artists are called on to explore contemporary representations of the human form. Each artist’s unique voice was present from realism to abstraction